by jdowdell(at) (John Dowdell)

 Date:  Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:05:31 -0700
 To:  "hwg-graphics(at)" <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 7:05 AM 3/24/99, Adrian Fischer wrote:
> Converserly, is there a way to save the
> grid pattern and inport it onto the other graphic?

In addition to C Johnston's tip about layer-replacement, you can also apply
a slicing pattern to a new document by copying and pasting the slices.

In Fireworks 2.0 this will bring across the slices, the smart-slicing
guides, the URLs, the ALT tag, any custom compression info you've
specified... you can copy and paste multiple slices from one document to
another, and all their associated info will be retained in the new

If you're creating the document in Fireworks (rather than just processing
pixels made somewhere else), then you may wish to look into using different
frames for different versions. You can share certain layers across multiple
frames, and toggle any layers on or off at any time. You always have the
option of using the same slicing pattern for any frame, and any changes you
make are automatically updated in the other versions, too.

Summary: If you need to slice slight variants of multiple images, then you
can try switching various layers on/off, or copying the slice pattern into
a new document, or using multiple frames to hold variants of the basic


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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